I started wearing vintage back in the early 80s, when it was not fashionable, and over the years have grown to appreciate and research my “rescued” pieces.  I repair, carefully launder and diligently work on any stain on items, I believe it’s important to preserve these unique garments as best as we can.

As a young girl I would spend hours playing in my mother’s closet of magic, or when visiting my maternal grandmother who was seamstress in an exclusive fashion boutique, had her own sewing “office” upstairs,  Granny let me use the offcuts to make clothes for my dolls, sometimes I would get to be in the shop with the fashionable young sales girls.It was a wonderful time for me  surrounded by pretty things and fashionable people. I grew up to enjoy fashion, clothes and shopping,  through the years to present, I have dressed and done personal shopping for friends and family. I became a Mother to a baby girl, my own living and precious doll. My daughter is a beautiful grown woman now; yet, i continue to style her, which she enjoys and makes us both happy!

While treasure hunting for vintage clothing, I often find contemporary and designer attire along they way, I believe in preserving vintage attire,  but  I also believe in recycling and reducing textile waste. Having worked in the “rag trade” in the, I became aware of the clothing and textile industries environmental impact. The situation has declined dramatically ever since, and the detriment to our planet is impossible to ignore.  Today’s clothing is cheap, made in 3rd world country sweatshops under appalling and dangerous conditions. Mass production end up in landfills oftentimes. The more aware we become of the problem, the more we can help by becoming eco-friendly, ethical consumers of fashion.

I am excited to share my fabulous finds of beautiful, timeless, carefully curated garments with you.  Be original. Be you.

My home page image is my mother in the early 50’s on a beach in Cape Town.